I have felt like a Goddess-
Like Venus herself,in my youth.
Though this is not a declaration of vanity,
Just my sacred, private truth.

Time has left me grieving
An intangibility-
a hole where my youth once was,now an amputee.

Grieving for that part of me, no longer there,
yet I can feel the throbbing pulse of its beating heart.
I reach but you’re not there.

How cruel? To feel seventeen-
So ripe and vibrant
And green.
Alive and pulsating with all the lust and excitement
Of a first kiss-
To want to grasp this feeling and make it reality now, somehow…
Yet I look in the mirror and see “that older woman “staring back at me.
Like a thousand raindrops, I fall, down, down-to the place I stand now.
Pause. Breathe. Sigh…
Filled with life and love and lust-not gone at all, just quieted below the surface. Stilled, for now…
As I live and breathe new life`s breath today-
I take all the gifts I’ve been given and with courage, one by one, I place them on display-
Not for a passing glance I pray or a forgotten trophy
but to share and exchange and evolve
so, before I go, you will know me

I give myself to you, Spirit-
To use as your instrument of expression
Oh, every misinterpreted dark moment,
Not depression!
But a pinch, a prod-
“wake up girl, you are alive!”
All of you.
Eternally youthful, through and through