Please meet my new Friend and Guest Blogger, Susan Day. She is the Author of the wonderful book The Top 10 Things Happy Grandparents Never Regret Doing! and an amazing blogger with LOTS of positivity to share with us! She will share with us some thoughts on happiness and I don’t know about you but I can always use them!

The truth about happiness, and where to find it 

By Susan Day

Happiness seems to be an elusive thing for many people. They spend their lives searching for it, but just when it comes close, it zips away and is lost again.

Should we be chasing happiness or should we let it find us? Should we adopt the philosophy of Buddhist monks and develop a Zen attitude towards everything in life? Are we looking in all the wrong places?

We are told being happy reduces stress and worry, and it actually makes us healthier. It lightens the load and makes us more well-rounded human beings, and who knows, it might even help us live longer.

But, where is it!

Where can we find happiness?

Let’s face it, being happy in our modern times is tough. Sure, we don’t have to worry about food or shelter like our ancestors did hundreds of years ago, but we are now bombarded with advertisements which make us feel inferior, and our lifestyles somewhat lacking.

As well, we all know how powerful retail therapy can be, but honestly, the happiness it brings doesn’t last very long. We are happy when our favorite sporting team wins, but what happens if they are on a never-ending losing streak? What then?!

We might find happiness being with other people or in having a successful career. We might even find it when we earn a lot of money. One thing is for certain, we won’t find it complaining about life or down the back of the couch, for that matter.

Should we expect to be happy all the time?

It would be unrealistic to believe you should be happy all the time. Life is a struggle regardless of how much material wealth we have. We may find ourselves struck by frightening and heart-breaking events like the death of a loved one or a road accident.

Finding happiness seems to be difficult for many people, but in fact, it shouldn’t be. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, you can be happy no matter who you are, and it’s easy.

In truth, the world is full of small, subtle things which can make us all very happy. You don’t have to look for them because they are happening around you right now, even as you are reading this article.

Where is happiness hiding?

What is important is being able to stop and appreciate with gratitude the blessings which we freely receive each day.

Next time the sun warms your face or you hear children laughing consider how happy these things could make youhappy if you let them. Don’t tell me you’ve looked into the eyes of a puppy and felt anger, I can’t believe it. Puppies and kittens are furry balls of happiness ready-made to bring messy joy to your life.

You see the truth about happiness is that it is right in front of you, but you may not be able to see it. It’s there now, look up and take note of what’s around you.

Count the things that make you happy. Make a list of the small things and add them up, you’ll find they outweigh the few negative things in your life.

Now that you can see them, take a deep breath, and smile a little more – go on, it will do you good. Remember that being happy is a state of mind you control. No one can make you unhappy, well not for long anyway.

Happiness is something we were all born to feel – believe it, embrace it, and joy will surround your life.

About My Guest – Susan Day

Susan Day is an author of 15 books, educator, and a content marketer. Her blog, Astro’s Adventures Book Club, is full of ideas and tips for grandparents who want to build a strong relationship with their grandchildren. In particular, Susan specializes in helping grandparents share their love of books with their grandchildren. Susan is currently writing a book titled, The Top 10 Things Happy Grandparents Never Regret Doing!

Susan lives in country Australia with four dogs, three boss cats, three rescue guinea pigs, and an errant kangaroo. And, apart from blogging, writing and reading; she loves drinking coffee, painting and learning to box.

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